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Kid’s Room #1: Hanging a Moon Light

Though completely unneccessary, we upped the decorative ante in Kid’s Room #1. My oldest brother made this awesome moon light for the bedroom and gave it to us at Christmas. He used a 3D printer, NASA images, and created a pretty exact replica of the moon. It’s really impressive. For a few months, the lamp sat on a map of the moon on top of the dresser. We had high hopes the kids would spend hours comparing the moon light to the moon map. Our middle child did spend some time with it, but for the most part, their NASA-intrigue has yet to hit:

Besides the ceiling light, all the light sources in the room were on the dresser. I read that there should be three sources of light in a room, and they should all be at different heights. Since I’m no design pro, I’m taking the internet’s word for this. It looked cluttered having everything on the dresser, so I thought to get rid of the colored light. Unfortunately, when I put that into another room, it was met with much resistance, as it is “MY NIGHTLIGHT.” Back it went to the dresser.

Plan B: Hang the moon light in the corner above the bed. It would draw the eye around the room a little bit, add some height, and clean up the top of the dresser. Win-win-win.

Using a hook, anchored into the ceiling’s drywall, I hung the moon up:

I attached the cord down the corner seam using cable clips we had in the garage:

During the day:

And at night:

This room is, for the most part, where it will be for a while. We have some other more pertinent projects that are taking up all our time. One day, though:

  1. Build a bed
  2. Paint dresser
  3. Cut a new shelf for the closet

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