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Kid’s Room #1: The Non-Accent-Wall Walls

What OTHER paint do you use when you have an accent wall??

After finishing up the accent wall in Kid’s Room #1, we then had to decide what the remaining walls should be.

Here’s what we’re starting with. An accent wall in Sherwin-William’s Urbane Bronze. (Forgive the lighting, I still use my phone for photos….)

The walls were a light blue when we moved in. There wasn’t anything wrong with the blue, but after repairing the trim, repairing the ceiling, adding an access panel for an exterior hose, and painting the accent wall, it was time to repaint the remaining walls.

This is a child’s bedroom. This child wanted green walls. Naturally, I scoured the internet for greens that go well with Urbane Bronze. This is really how I decorate. I research ENDLESSLY before making a decision.

I bought samples of SW Evergreen Fog and SW Acacia Haze, two greens that apparently go well with SW Urbane Bronze. I was going to let the kid choose which one he wanted. To make his decision, the little guy got to work putting the samples up on the walls:

We left the samples up on the walls for days while we decided which one looked best. Unfortunately for this little kid, I thought they all looked too dark and would make his room look dreary and dungeon-like. Not what a kid deserves. He also chose a REALLY bright and colorful rug when we moved in, which has exactly zero green in it. It was becoming increasingly difficult to make green walls works.

So, we made a deal. I said he could make his closet doors ANY GREEN he wanted, if I could paint his walls my choice. He agreed.

If you go to the Sherwin-Williams website, you can enter any Sherwin-Williams color, and the site will pull up coordinating colors. After doing this with Urbane Bronze, I chose Shoji White for our “non-accent-wall” walls.

I color matched it to Lowe’s HGTV Sherwin-Williams Showcase paint in eggshell because it’s considerably cheaper than actual Sherwin-Williams paint. After painting the accent wall with real Sherwin-Williams paint, and learning that I still needed two coats, I figured why spend the extra money.

Two coats, and some wall decorations later, the little guy got to move back in!

I love it. You can see how bright his rug is, so even though the walls are a little boring in the color-wheel, the room is still kid-friendly feeling.

Here, a little before and after. The before is when we moved in, so pretty rugged:


The windows are fifty years old and quite gappy. Windows aren’t in the budget any time soon, so we splurged on insulating blackout blinds for him. They’re from This is the third time I’ve bought blinds from this company. They’re massively expensive, but are worth it.

Because I’m a firm believer that every room needs a plant:

Hope you enjoy the change! Next up – painting the door.

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