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A Temporary “Bed”

Recently, our youngest graduated from a crib into a twin bed. Once we realized he could climb over the crib railing, we figured we might as well just move him into a “big boy bed.” Cue running to the local mattress store, finding a reasonably priced mattress and box spring, loading it onto the roof of the car, and chugging on home to encourage our littlest one into the next stage of his life.

Since this snuck up on us, we didn’t have an actual twin bed ready. We have historically always put the box spring on the floor for a few weeks until the kid got used to the big bed, anyway, so this didn’t seem like a big deal. It’s easier to climb into and a shorter fall if they roll out during the night.

The few weeks of the box spring directly on the bedroom floor turned into a few months… And a move to a new house. Once in the new bedroom, we realized this was ridiculous:

Luke wants to build his bed for him, but in the meantime, he built a small stand for the box spring to sit on:

Luke built two “H” shaped pieces:

We flipped them over, so the cross beams were on top, lined them up on the floor, and gently placed the box spring on top:

As a stop-gap, this works well. Building a bed is time-consuming, but building a little stand for the box spring only took an afternoon. The mattress and box spring are no longer on the floor, and we’re movin’ on up.

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