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Weird Wall Fixer Upper

We have some interesting wall material above our mantle. I truly don’t know why the house was put together this way, but there is vertical planking juxtaposed with the drywall. We discussed tearing out the planks and drywalling, but honestly, who has the time. So while we gear up for that project, in 85 years or so, I decided to work with what we had and clean it up a bit.

First off, there were cracks between the sheets of planks. The biggest one is just to the right of center of the painting.

I just used caulk to fill in that crack:

Then I caulked along the ceiling trim:

Aaaaand honestly that was it. I didn’t even paint it over. A gorgeous painting here, some fresh flowers there. Bippity bop, call it a day.

It looks a bajillion times better. This post is dedicated to the magic of caulk.

Price o’ Project:
Caulk: had on hand
Total: free

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