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The Trim is Falling

Earlier this year, I noticed the trim on the front of the house was falling off. As always, keepin’ it classy:

The screws that were holding it in place were stripped, so I figured we’d forgo them and just use construction glue. (Originally, it was held in place with both. Fingers crossed that glue will be enough!)

One fine nap time, I ventured out to this corner of the house with the trusty ladder to get to work. This corner has a huge bush next to it, home to many lovely songbirds at 5am (also conveniently located right next to our bedroom window). With the lovely bush and birds come some bugs too. When I climbed up the ladder, I saw a wasp nest in the corner of the window. I hate wasps, so it had to go. I sprayed it with wasp killer, then hosed it down off the house.

I used all-purpose wipes to clean the underside of trim and brick so the glue has a smooth surface to adhere. Hopefully it’s clean enough…

Waited for it to dry.

I applied Liquid Nails with the caulk gun. Knowing that I wouldn’t have screws holding it in place anymore, I used enough glue that it squished into the grout lines. Then I used duct tape to hold it all up while the Liquid Nails dried. Here you can see the glue squishing out the bottom and the tape holding it in place:

Another view of the tape. I’m sure the neighbors loved this stage!

And from the front. You can see that the trim is up, though there is a slight gap between the overhang and the trim.

After letting the Liquid Nails dry for 24 hours, I carefully peeled off the duct tape. It held!

Now that it wasn’t falling off the brick, I decided to caulk the gap between the trim and the overhang. It took a few days because I ran out of caulk mid-job. In the picture below you can see where it’s been caulked on the left and where I ran out on the right:

It’s not something you’d necessarily notice as being a problem, but once you see how nice it looks caulked, it was definitely worth the time and effort.

And a quick before and after on how to make your house look like it’s not actually falling apart:




Price o’ Project:
Liquid Nails: had on hand
Duct Tape: had on hand
Caulk: $5.96

Total: 5.96

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